Dada Centennial: Day of the Dead
The International Museum of Collage, Assemblage and Construction with the International Society of Assemblage and Collage Artists in Santa Fe, New Mexico contribute to our celebration of the 100 year Anniversary of DADA! Because The Archives are in Santa Fe, we will also be setting up our first annual Mexican Style Ofrenda (offering) to honor our artistic ancestors.
One of my Dada images for the exhibition.
This year we will be celebrating the collage/assemblage Dada artists including Kurt Schwitters, Hannah Höch, Man Ray, John Heartfield, Marcel Duchamp, Jean Arp, Max Ernst, Raoul Hausmann, etc.
The International Post-Dogmatist Group’s Office of the Postulator-General will also be holding a historic Canonization Ceremony for Master (Herr) Kurt Schwitters of Hanover at the opening!
The exhibition will open to at the November 4, 2016 and continue through January 2017. The works will be on permanent exhibit online on our 2016 inventory blog under “Dada Centennial” with a possible catalog produced.
Dada Centennial: Day of the Dead
4810 West Alameda Street
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507
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